Fsc Second Year Math mcqs Conic Sections consists of 350+ mcqs. Prepare these mcqs for ECAT, exam and all admission test preparation.
2. Two circles are said to be concentric if they have
A) same radius
B) same centre
C) same diameter
D) different centres
3. The centre of the circle
A) (-1, -3)
B) (1, 3)
C) (1, -3)
D) (-1, 3)
4. General equation of circle is
5. The radius of the circle
A) 64
B) 8
D) 2
6. The radius of the circle of
D) g+f-c
7. If the circle
A) c = -1
B) c = 2
C) c = 1
D) c = 0
A) (1, 1)
B) (2, 3)
C) (2, 2)
D) (2, 1)
9. Equation of tangent to the circle
A) x = 1
B) x = 2
C) y = 1
D) y = 2
10. Equation of tangent to the circle
A) x = 1
B) x = 2
C) y = 1
D) y = 2
11. Conic sections or conics are the curves obtained by cutting a cone by
(a) a line
(b) a plane
(c) two lines
(d) a sphere
12. If a plane passes through the vertex of the cone, then intersection is
(a) a point circle
(b) an ellipse
(c) a parabola
(d) a hyperbola
13. If the intersecting plane is parallel to the axis of the cone and intersects both of its nappes then, the resulting section is
(a) a circle
(b) an ellipse
(c) a parabola
(d) a hyperbola
15. The size of the circle obtained by cutting the cone by a plat perpendicular to the axis of the cone depends on how near te plane is to the
(a) space of the cone
(b) nape of the cone
(c) axis of the cone
(d) vertex of the cone
A) 1
C) 4
D) 12
17. If the intersecting plane iÅŸ slightly tilted and cuts only one nape d the cone, the resulting section is
(a) a circle
(b) sphere
(c) parabola
(d) hyperbola
A) 4a
B) 3a
C) 2a
D) a
19. If eccentricity e = 1 then conic is
A) Parabola
B) Ellipse
C) Hyperbola
D) Circle
Q. If the cone is cut by a plane perpendicular to the axis of the cre then the section is a
(a) a circle
(b) sphere
(c) parabola
(d) hyperbola
Check Answer A
Q If the intersecting plane is parallel to a generator of the cone b intersects its one nappe only, the resulting section is
(a) a circle
(b) an ellipse
(c) a parabola
(d) a hyperbola
Check Answer C
Q.8 The set of all points in a plane which are equidistant from some fixed point in plane is known as
(a) a circle
(b) an ellipse
(c) a parabola
(d) a hyperbola
Check Answer A