INVERSE TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS MCQs Ch:13 Fsc First Year consist of 50+ Multiple Choice Questions. Prepare these mcqs for ECAT and examination. These mcqs are very helpful for preparing NTS and PPSC exams.
Q.1 The inverse of a function is a function if the function is
(a) 1-1
(b) onto
(c) function is onto
(d) all of these
(Gujranwala board,2006)
(d) all of these
Q.2 =
(d) None
(Gujranwala board,2004)
Q.3 =
(Lahore board,2005)
Q.4 The value of is
(d) None
(Multan board,2004)
Q.5 is equal to
(c) 2
(Gujranwala board,2007)
(c) 2